Driving Ants Off Effectively with the Right Pest Control Measures

Ant control can be a difficult task to tackle on your own. To fully eliminate ants from your property, you need to get to the colony and wipe out everyone there. Unless you take preventative measures to keep ants at bay, there is a chance an infestation is ongoing in your interior or yard. However, with the help of Saela Pest control experts, you can address your ant issue and drive ants off.  

Identifying Different Kinds of Ants

Although warmer areas are prone to insects living in huge numbers, homeowners in Denver tend to worry about invasive insects more as they are drawn indoors to avoid the elements. Below are the species of ants common in Denver:

  • Pavement ants. While these ants tend to thrive on pavements near sidewalks, they also invade houses. 
  • Odorous house ants. These ants have a unique trait that makes them different from other black ant species. They give off a nutty aroma when crushed signaling the rest of the colony.
  • Carpenter ants. These are the biggest ant species in Denver. They are known to create nests outdoors in different wood sources and usually enter homes through damaged wood, cracks, utility penetrations, and door or window gaps. 
  • Pharaoh ants. These ants have a golden yellow color and can spread diseases such as salmonellosis. 
  • Caribbean crazy ants. These ants easily adjust to dry and moist climates. Their nests are often located outdoors, next to foundations or under objects in soil. They mainly feed on honeydew and enter structures during rainfalls or in the fall. 

Regardless of the types of ants you are dealing with, a pest control company can help you eliminate them. The kind of treatment that experts employ depends on the severity of the infestation.

Reasons Ants are Problematic

Some ants can carry and spread diseases. Others can cause property damage and other help health effects. All species of ants can be hard to get rid of as they grow huge populations that can hide below the ground. Also, ants attract other pests that feed on them such as spiders. A lot of pest infestations can start with a spider issue. Thus, you should eliminate ants quickly and turn to pest control professionals for treatments. Pest experts have different effective treatment options for any type of invading pests. 

How to Deter Ants

To stop ants from infesting your home, you must take proactive steps to minimize your risk before an infestation happens. Here are prevention tips you must know:

  • Entry points. Check the exterior walls, doorways, and windows of your house for cracks or gaps that must be sealed up.
  • Food storage. Never leave food sitting out as ants can smell and attack them. store food items in airtight containers. 
  • Deep cleaning. Deep cleaning your house prevents food sources for ants from building up, especially around and underneath huge appliances. 
  • Trash storage. Ants can travel towards your home if there is trash. So, you must store your trash in sturdy trash cans.
  • Moisture control. Ants and other pests are attractive to moisture. Thus, controlling moisture through proper plumbing and ventilation is important.